amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

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amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

What exactly is the Amazon Listing Optimization?

Amazon listing optimization is the process of enhancing pages on products to enhance theirSearch visibilityClick-through rate (CTR) and the conversion rateCR) and finallySales increase. ThisThis process includes Keyword discovery, optimization of listings of text and images and the increasing number of reviews.

In fact, one of the most important actions you can take as an Amazon seller or vendor. We’ll be discussing important strategies to optimize your the product offerings of your business in this article.

  • Search terms: keyword research and on-page activities
  • ContentInformation, images and texts about the product
  • ReviewAndQuestions and Answers

Amazon Ranking Optimization: Optimize Keywords

Did you know: For the product to be displayed in an Amazon search results, the listing should contain the searched keyword. The keyword must be included in the product’s listing. Without it the product will not show up in the Amazon search. The very first rule of keyword optimization, therefore, is quite simple:

Utilize all relevant keywords to your product’s page

You should plan enough time to conduct an exhaustive keyword search to identify the relevant keywords. Use our Amazon Keyword Research Tool Sonar which is completely free!

After you’ve finished your keyword research, it is time to incorporate keywords into your product by placing them in strategic locations. Consider the following points:

1. 1.The top five keywords you choose should be listed in the product title.Based on the latest ranking algorithm, this is no longer required. This allows you to concentrate more on crafting clear, but easy to read title.

2. Keywords for the backend:Up to 249 bytes of relevant keywords to the “search keywords” (also called “generic keywords”.) Note: Amazon will not index the keywords you choose to use if they are more than 249 bytes (more informationKeywords of the Backend

3. Bullet Points and Product Description:It is possible to include additional keywords, however it must not interfere with the informational clarity of the text on the product.

4. Other Keyword TypesCertain software products allow you to define additional keyword types such as Target Audience (e.g. men/women). Amazon will filter them into the search results, so be sure to add these keywords.

5. More Information:Assign additional product information like material type as well as other product information to your item. Make sure to fill in the information as thoroughly as possible because it is accessible to customers via the filter navigation as well as specific product searchers.

amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

  • Want more tips and information regarding selling your business on Amazon? Our Sellics Academy has more information.

Amazon Listing Optimization: Optimize the Content

Content optimization can boost the click-through rate (CTR) on the search result and the conversion rate (CR) on the page of the product. Both, in turn, can lead to an increase in sales and , consequently, higher rankings.

amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

These are three important points that will help you improve your content.

  • Product Information
  • Product Texts
  • Images

amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

Texts of Product DescriptionsOptimize for Humans as well as Machines to Get the Best Results

Follow these principles when creating descriptions and product descriptions (title bullet points product descriptions, EBC / A + content):

  • Information:All the information needed to make a purchase
  • Communication (Benefits/Advantages)Include the advantages and USPs of the article in the description. What are the benefits of your product’s features for potential buyers? What are the advantages they can
  • Presentation:Customers are able to quickly and effortlessly get the structure and information they need.

You can also choose from other content optionssellers with Amazon Brand Registry(Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)) andVendors(A+ Content). A modular and integrated system, for instance, allows for the combination of texts and images to a high-quality product description. The result: Vastly improved ways to display products and brands , and to leverage cross-selling.

While optimizing content for listing of products on Amazon It’s crucial to think about how it will display on mobile devices. Text (such as bullet points or description of the product) will appear much shorter, so the most important information should be displayed first.

  • Our Sellics Academy is the best way to learn about Amazon SEO.

Amazon Listing Optimizing Images of Products

The first thing the customer examines are the images of a product. They put a lot of emphasis on the CTR or CR.

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  • Main Image:Relevant for CTR or CR. Although the main image can represent only the primary product, it needs to meet all Amazon requirements (including white background and filling at more than 85% of the frame). The product should be attractive, easily recognizable and well lit.
  • Additional images:Relevant for CR. You have more flexible design options with additional images. You can emphasize the product’s distinctive features with these images. You can use them to highlight the product’s distinctive aspects, like its uses and benefits and placement in the world or social context as well as special features and benefits, along with details and packaging.

Find out more about improving the image of your product.

Additional Product Information

Additional information is possible to enter for each product, for example regarding weight, material, or the energy efficiency class. This information should be completed as fully as is possible. The Amazon search filter navigation utilizes it along with the specialized product searchers. The information is displayed in a dedicated section of the product’s page and thus increase the rate of conversion.

Customer Reviews and questions & answers


Reviews are also critical to the CTR and the CR for a product. Two parts are important to take into account:

  • The amount
  • Stars

amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

It is possible to increase the review count in a variety of ways. A good customer experience will usually increase a customer’s willingness and ability to leave a review. Customers could also use parcel inserts in order to get them to review products or promote on test product sites.

Be sure to stay within the review guidelines provided by Amazon Particularly with the second method. Amazon has also provided vendors and sellers its own fee-based systems for creating reviews: Amazon Vine (vendors) and the Early Reviewer Program (seller).

Use continuous review management to ensure a good product review score. Customer reviews that are not positive are to be discussed. You, as a seller or manufacturer, can share your own perspective and improve the rating. It can also be a sign of customer service and can influence the reviewer to edit or remove the review.

Questions and Answers on Amazon

The questions customers are able to ask on the product’s page are just as crucial. Customers often ask about specific details of the program or information that they cannot find on the product’s website. Sellers and vendors, as well as customers can assist with questions. Vendors and sellers should answer any questions not answered regularly to ensure that customers get the correct answers.

This will improve the information on the page for the product. Questions often point out larger information gaps that can be filled in the description.

amazon listing optimization tips 2023 course

Easy to Enhance Your Amazon Product Listings by using Sellics

Sellics helps vendors and sellers in all aspects of Amazon optimization of products:

  • Keywords:Keyword research tools Keyword optimization, keyword research, and ranking tracking
  • ContentContent review and product suggestions
  • Reviews and Questions & Answers:Tracking, email notification of new reviews and/or answers to questions or answers review management tool Analytics
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